BIOCIF & BIOCIF FS(Ciprofloxacin water soluble & Feed Supplement Powders)

Composition: biocif
Each grm contains:
Ciprofloxacin 100mg.
(as Ciprofloxaxin Hydrocloride I.P)
Biocif FS Composition:
Cimprofloxacin Hydrochloride 2%w/w
The latest and best fourth generation floroquinalone group antibiotic. Most effective in the treatment of mixed bacterial and viral infections. Controls bacterial complication of viral infections. Endometritis, Metritis, Pyometra, Retention of plasenta, vaginitis, Cervictis Management of Dystocia and prolapse of uters, may be used to treat infections of respiratory tract, gastro intestinal tract skin and soft tissue infections inhibit DNA Gyrase enzyme to block bacterial DNA replication. It is a broad spectrum floroquinalone antibacterial with better osmosis, high serum concentration and not easily showing resistance. Ciprofloxacin has 2 to 4 fold greater antimicrobial potency then Norfloxacin than cephalosporin and amiloglycosides.
Biocif Water soluble Powder: Poultry(through drinking water during 3-5 days)
Chicks upto 4 weeks: 1g powder in 2 ltr of drinking water
Layers & Broilers: Curative: 1gm powder in 1 ltr of drinking water
Preventive : 1gm powder in 2ltr of drinking water
Cattle: as directed by the veterinarian
Biocif-FS : 500g/ton of feed or as directed by the consultant
Biocif: 15gms.,Sachet,100gms.,250gms.,500gms.,1Kg in HDP Containers.
Biocif-FS: 500gms.,in LD pouch

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