Abnoxious Gases and Odour Remover In Aqua Culture ponds Feed Supplement

Saponins from Yucca Shidighera and Trigonella foenum graecum, Nitrobacter, Nitrosomonas and activated sodium alluminium Silicate, urease, Nitrate reductase and protease Enzymes.
1. Bind all abnoxious gases like Ammonia, Hydrogen Sulphide and Methane.
2. Degrade bio waste of the pond
3. Converts all pollutants into nutrients
4. Converts toxin waste into safe natural food.
5. For useful plankton development, improve FCR provide ambient atmosphere to the inhabitant.
Dosage & Administration:
500gr mixed with dry sand and broadcasted directly over the pond/Acre once in 15 days or as directed by the Aqua Culture Consultant.
500gms.,1kg., in HDP Container
Standard Pack: 500gms., X 30 & 1 Kg X 15 Nos. in a Carton.