Composition :
Fenbendazole I.P. 2.5% w/v
Rafoxanide I.P. 1.5% w/v

Indications :

  • Fenbendazole is most powerful anthelmintic. A broad spectrum
    for treatment of gastrointestinal infections due to round worms,
    lung worms, tape worms, Amphistomes and liver flukes.
  • Fenbendazole has an ovicidal effect, kill all larval stages of
    worms, having immune stimulant properties.
  • Controls signs of fluke infection include weakness, diarrhoea,
    anaemia and unthriftyness.
  • Rafoxanide is a salicylanilide class anthelmintic used in cattle and
    sheep used to expel or destroy tapeworms in domestic animals.
    Mainly Fasciola Spp. It remove more than 99% adult stages of
    Fasciolahepatica and more than 98% immature 91% mature
    Fasciola gigantica. In sheep Albendazole has an Ovicidal effect.
    Kill all larval stagers of worms, having immuno stimulent
    properties. Control signs of fluke infection include weakness,
    diarrhoea, anaemia and unthriftiness.

Dosage : As directed by the Veterinarian.

Administration: Give un diluted oral drench.

Presentation :30ml, 50ml, 60ml, 100ml, 150ml, 200ml, 250ml,500ml, 1 Lit & 5 Lit