FURADONE-K(Poultry Feed Supplement, for Coccidial Infections)

Furazolidone 2.0%w/w
Nitrofurazole 10%w/w
Vitamin K3 0.2%w/w
Enriched with Mannanoligosaccharides (MOS) and Electrolytes.
1. Coccidiosis is caused in poultry by a one celled parasite of the genus Eimeria. (Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria maxima, eimeria tenella, Eimeria necatrix, Eimeria mitis, Eimeria brunette, Eimeria praecox) and Clostridium fallax. Effective against all important Eimeria species.
2. Control Droopiness and emaciation, poor growth
3. Prevent the intracellular development of Eimeria oocysts and coccidian inside the chicken gut.
4. MOS suppresses pathogens in the intestinal mucosa, improve gut health and uniformity and modulate systemic immunity
5. Prevent multiplication of coccidian in the epithelial cells of the intestine
6. Control loss of appetitie poor feed digestion, poor weight gain
DOSAGE: Preventive : 250g per ton of feed
Curative: 500gms: per ton of feed or as directed by the veterinarian
Presentation:500gms.,1Kg in Alluminium pouch

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