Pro and Pre Biotics with phyto biotics combination for controlling white gut and white fecal mater exclusivelly vannamei.

1. Prevention and control EMS, reduce running mortality.
2. Increase the effectiveness fof the material in the digestive system of shrimp
3. HERBIOMAX-G controlling vibrio dominance with the application probiotics improves survival and growth rate
4. Controls white gut and white feces disease in Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp culture
5. Improve FCR, Digestion of feed
6. Natural phytobiotics exceeds the chemical and syntheric alternatives.
7. No need to use any antibiotics.
Dose: For prevention: 3 to 5gms of HERBIOMAX-G PER KG FEED
For treatment: 5 to 10 gms of HERBIOMAX-G per kg feed.
Directions for Usage: Mix equal quantity of 2 packets at the time of usage, mix required quantity of mixed powder in enough water and spry it on the feed and allow it to dry about 15 to 20 minutes and use for feeding.
Storage: Storage in a cool, Dark and dry place keep away from children. Do not expose high temperature.
Presentation: 1Kg