Water iron balance formula for L.Vannamei and p.Monodon

1.When shrimp(L.Vannamei or P.monodon) is cultures in low-saline water, the culture medium requires a minium concentration of critical ions like potassium, magnesium etc
2.Also, the relative composition of these critical ions is crucial, even for the waters with a minimum required level of salinity
3.The critical ions in water for shrimp culture medium are: potassium(K+), Magnesium(Mg+), Calcium(Ca+), Sodium(Na+), Cloride(Cl), and Sulphate(So4).
4.Deficiency of these critical ions result in poor survival growth and health of shrimp
5.Especially Potassium(K+) is a minar constituent ion in sea water or brackish water and is usually deficient in low saline water. Potassium 6.significantly impact shrimp osmoregulation, moulting, feeding and also nutrient retention in shrimp body.
7.All the deficiency ions need frequent supplementation for the successful culture of low saline water shrimp culture.
8.Recent research confirms that correction and deficiency of critical ions, especially Potassium(K+) results in the significantly better shrimp survival and production.
9.It is also very important to bring the relative composition of all ions similar to that of natural sea water diluted to a given level of lower salinity.
10.Recent research also testifies that supplementation of selected ions in cultured water is a far more efficient mothod for correcting deficiencies than adding salts to feed.
Dosage: 20KG/acre/weekly once
Presentation: 20Kg bag