Micro & Trace Mineral Mixture exclusively for L.Vannamei

1.Regulate the exchange of water and solute within the animal body. Thus maintains osmotic pressure, and acid base equilibrium & pH of the Prawn body
2.Protect shrimp from loose shell syndrome(LSS) and helps in molting & shell formation.
3.Enhances hormonal and enzymatic activities in shrimp, thus regulates nerve impulse transmission
4.Promotes formation of hard and soft tissue mtrix & strengthens muscular control
5.Prevents tail cramping, soft shelling and incomplete molting of shrimp
6.Improves feed efficiency, growth & survival.
Regular use: 25kg per hectare every week.
During moltin and soft shelling :20-30 kg per hectare
Pond Preparation and Fertilization: 30kg per hectare 24hr. before stocking
Presentation: 25kg Polylaminated Bag