LIV CARE(Poultry Liver Stimulant)

Tricholine citrate, protein hydrolysate, vitamin B12, Vit H,Betain, MOS,L-Lacti,L-cassei,Lysine,Inositol, Sodium selenite,DLMethionine & choline
Broilers: Starter/Finisher: 1kg/ton of feed Commercial Layers /Breeders:chicks,growers and Layers: 500g per ton of feed.
Broiler Breeders: Chicks,Growers and Layers:1kg per ton of feed.
1kg in aluminium pouch.
1.Prevention of perosis and liver enlorgement in chicks.
2.It is essential in the building and maintenance of cell structure, as well as ensuring normal maturation of the cartilage matrix of bone, including the prevention of perosis in broilers.
3.Improve utilization and outward transport of fat, so preventing abnormal accumulation of fat within hepatocytes-socalled “fatty liver”.
4.A major use is in the formation of the phospholipid lecithin, a component of egg yolk
5.An immuno stimulant at the level of all lymphoid organs (spleen,thymus & bursa)
And also at the level of Erythropoiesis(for increased oxyzen)