Bactercide-BKC with Iodine) Feed Supplement

Prawns are effected by several types of Bacterial Diseases. It will be very difficult to treat the diseased prawn with Anti-biotics when they lost appetite and refuse to take food. It is always safe to treat the bacterial diseases with disinfectants. We have released “MICROBITE” with a special formula to treat bacterial infection.
1.Controls all types of Bacterial diseases in fish and prawns.
2.Effectively control Necrosis, black spot, vibriosis, Black Gill, Red Gill, Tail rot, Red diseases etc in prawns
3.Cures epizoitic ulcerative syndrome in Fish
4.Prevent several fungal diseases of Fish and Prawns.
Dosage & Administration:
As directed by the Aqua Culture Consultant
1 litre and 5 litres.
Standard Pack:1ltr X 15 Nos., 5ltr X 4 Nos.in a Carton.