Composition :
Contains :

Niclosamide I.P.  12% w/v
Oxyclozanide I.P. 3% w/v


– Controls Mature 8. Immature amphistomes, Liverflukes, Adult Tapeworms, Roundworms & Lungworms of livestock& poultry.

– Niclosamide is used to treat Tape worm infections in live stocks.
Niclosamide works by killing tape worms on contact. The killed worms are then passed inthe stool.
– Niclosamide controls Infection causes hepatic and portal fibrosis, billary epithelial hyperplasia, chronic debilitation and Icterus.
-Niclosamide mollcules are lethal to tape worms upon contact. According to Nlclosamide un couples oxidative phosphorylation In thetape worm.
– Oxyclozanide is a Salicylanilide group of anthelmintics. It is effect give against mature and immature forms of liverflukes in the bile duct and liver. Active against Fasciola gigantica in naturally infected buffalo. A broad spectrum anthelmintic used for the treatment and control of Gastro intestinal nematode infections including Nematodiasis and facioliasis in
Cattle, Sheep, Goat and Horse. It is also effective against Amphistomes, Para amphistomes and Lung worms, Nasal Schistosomes, Tape worm segments of Moniezia spp. effective against adult flukes present in the bile duct, suitable fortreating chronic fascioliosis and mixed infections of adult and immature flukes. Active against lung worms in naturally infected sheep.

Dosage : As directed by the Veterinarian.

Presentation : 30ml,50ml,60ml, 100ml, 150ml,200ml,250ml,500ml,l Lit & 5 Lit