Tablet : Each uncoated tablet contains : Niclosamide IP 500 mg
Bolus: Each uncoated bolus contains: Niclosamide IP 1 gm
Powder : Contains
Niclosamide IP 30% wlw Powder & Niclosamide IP 75% wlw

Controls Mature & Immature cestodes, Adult Tapeworms,
Roundworms & Lungworms of livestock & poultry.
– Niclosamide is used to treat Tape worm infections in live stocks.Niclosamide works by killing tape worms on contact. The killed worms are then passed in the stool.
– Niclosamide controls infection causes hepatic and portal fibrosis,biliary epithelial hyperplasia, chronic debilitation and icterus.
– Niclosamide molicules are lethal to tape worms upon contact. According to Niclosamide un couples oxidative phosphorylation in the tape worm.
– Niclosamide a nitrosalicylanilide anthelmintic effective against tape worms in all species. Niclosamide was widely used for treatment of cestode infections of dogs and cats. It acts as a taeniacide up on contact.Efficacy against Dypilidium. Spp. And cistodes other than Taenia Spp.

– Controls immature Amphistomes and Monezia Spp. In cattle.

Dosage :Administration : Sheep / Goat / Cattle / Buffalo :
1 gm per 15 kg body wt. or as advised by a veterinarian.
Dogs I Cats : 100 mg per kg body wt.
Poultry: Layers 2 7.5 gm per 50 adult birds, Breeders : 7.5 gm for 30 adult
birds. Administered in feed premix as top dressing.

Presentation : Tablet :4, 6 & 10 Tablets, Bolus : 2, 4, 5 & 6 Bolus
Powder: 10, I5, 20, 50, I00, I50, 200, 250, 500 & 1 kg.