
Each uncoated bolus contains :
Oxfendazole IP 400 mg
Praziquantel IP 200 mg

oxfendazole, the sulfoxide form of oxfendazole, is a broad spectrum benzimidazole anthelmintic used against roundworms, strongyles and pinworms in sheep, cattle & goats. A 100% clearence of mature and immature haemonchus contortus. Trichostrongylus axei, Ostertagia circumcincta, Cooperia curticei, Bunostomum trigonocephalum and
Chabertia ovina.
Praziquantel is an atihelmintic medication primarily used for the treatment of Schistosomiasis (Snail Fever) and fascioliasis (Liver Flukes). It is also used to treat echinococcosis, and intestinal tapeworms, Praziquantel is an “antihelmintic,” or anti worm, medication. It prevents worms from growing or multiplying in the body. Praziquantel is used to treat infections caused by worms in the Schistosoma family of worms. Praziquantel is well absorbed from the G.I. Tract. Praziquantel increasis the permeability of the membranes of parasite cells (certain schistosomes) for calcium ions. The drug thereby induces contraction of the parasites resulting in paralysis in the contracted state. The dying parasites are dislodged from their site of action in the host organism and may enter systemic circulation or may be destroyed by host immune reaction (phagocytosis).
Dosage : As directed by the Veterinarian.

PRESENTATION: Bolus: 1,2, 4, 5,6 &l0Bolus.