Composition: Each 1kg Contains
Calcium 212gms
Phosphorus 108 gms
Magnesium 13 gms
Manganese 596 gms
Potassium 10 gms
Ferrous 1.5 gms
Copper 1.25 gms
Cobalt 4 gms
Suphur 10 gms
Zinc 9 gms
Selenium 10 gms
Chromium 20 gms
Iodine 4 gms
Lysine monohydro chloride 19 gms
Dl-methionine 8 gms
Excipients Q.S
1.use for moulting and new shell formation.
2.improper ratios of minerals in water lead to osmotic stress which has cascading effect on growth.
3.to maintain acid-base balance it is important in osmoregulation
4.maintain the optimum water quality.
5.highly dispersed and give positive effect on the growth and development of the plankton.
6.Contains optimal quantities of high performance growth nutrients.
7.Combination of vital macro minerals & essential micro minerals promotes vigorous growth.
8.prevention of soft shell problem.
9. unique blend of macro and micro minerals with lysine for versatile usage in aqua culture.
10. it is a complete solution for undernourished pond water, low salinity and brackish water.
11. it will meet the requirement of essential minerals of the culture species.
12. Provide nutrients in the pond for developing bloom to favorable phytoplankton., diatoms which is the diet of shrimp.
13.induce alkaline levels required for favorable bloom development and moulting.
14. use PIP MINERALS during early days of water culture in low saline areas lesser nutrient water areas and chlorinated ponds.
15.it is used regularly for more weight gain.
Dosage: for boom development : 2.5 to 3 kg per hectare mix the required quantity in 10 to 30 ltre of water or mix with sand and broadcast in the pond.
Feed: Mix 5 to 10 gms of PIP MINERALS powder into 1kg feed or as advised by the Aqua Culture Consultant.
Shelf Life: Best Before 18 months from the date of manufacturing.
Storage: Store in cool and dry place, keep the pouch tighrly closed after every usage.
Presentation: 3kg pouch