Vermiside Forte( PIPERAZINE HYDRATE 45%,56.3%,61%-Liquid Dewormer for ORAL Administration) – Liquid Dewormer in Poultry & Live Stock.

Piperzine hydrate I.P 56.3%w/v
Piperzine hydrate I.P 61.0%w/v

Safe and most effective anthaiminitic for removal of round worms(ascarids) in poultry and live stock and work against Nodular worms and pin worms in live stock, control Heterakis gallinnea, nematode parasite of poultry.

56.3% Dosage:
Poultry: 40 to 50 ml/100 birds
Sheep/goat/Calves: 5ml/kg.body wt.
Dogs/cats: 2 to 5ml./10kg body wt.
Horses: 100 to 300mg Drug/kg.body wt. or as advised by the veterinarian.

61% Dosage:
Cattle: 10 to 20ml/30kg.body wt. , Poultry : 40 to 50ml/100 birds
Dogs/cats: 2 to 5 ml/10kg body wt.
Sheep/Goat : 5ml/kg body wt.

56.3%: 450ml.,500ml.,4.5ltr 5ltr in HDP Containers
61.0%: 370ml, 500ml., 4.5ltr., 5ltr., in HDP Containers

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