A unique Combination of modified Probiotics Mix Feed Supplement

Bacillus spec. Nitrasomonas, Nitrobactor, Cornobacterium spec. Saccharomycis cerveciae
Each 250 gm contains 100 x 1010 CFU
1.Reduction of feed waste, faeces and organic matter accumulation
2.Decreases Ammonia(NH3) Nitrogen dioxide(NO2), Hydrogen Sulphide(H2S) & Methane
3.Decrease pathogen load and control disease
4.Decrease Eutrophication(Contaminated pond water and bottom)
5.Increase Oxygen(O2) level, shrimp growth and crop.
Dosage & Administation: 250gms./Acre
Presentation: 250gms. X 4 No., in a Box
Standard Pack: 15 boxes in a Carton.