Rafoxanide IP 1.5% w/v
Levamisole Hydroch|oride IP 1.5%w/v

Contains :(RAFOMISOLE -DE)

Rafoxanide IP 3% w/v
Levamisole Hydrochloride IP 3% w/v

Contains :
Rafoxanide IP 4% w/v
Levamiso|eHydroch|oride IP 2%w/v

Contains :
Rafoxanide IP 4.5% w/v
Levamisole Hydrochloride IP 3.0% w/v

Indications : Rafoxanide is a salicylanilide class anthelmintic used in cattle and sheep used to expel or destroy tapeworms in domestic animals. Mainly Fasciola spp.Rafoxanide with Levamisole is active against a range of worms and is used as
anthalmintic mainly in round worms and hook worm infections. It improves the immune responce. It is used as adjuvant in malignant disease. This is effective in the treatment of ascariasis (Roundworm infection) it is also treat in ancylostomiasis and hecatoriasis (Hookworm infection).
Cattle / Sheep : 7 to 1 2 mg / kg body wt.
Pigs : 7.5 mg/kg body wt.
Poultry: 25mg / kg body wt. or as directed bythe Veterinarian.


Rafoxanide  I.P.1.5%w/v + Levamisole Hcl  I.P.1.5%w/v
30ml ,50ml,60ml,100ml,150ml, 200ml, 250ml, 500ml,1 Lit. & 5 Lit.
Rafoxanide   I.P. 3%w/v + Levamisole Hcl |.P. 3% w/v
60 ml.100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml ,1 Lit. & 5 Lit.
Rafoxanide I.P. 4%w/v + Levamisole Hcl  I.P. 2% w/v
60 ml, 90 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml &1 Lit.
Rafoxanide I.P. 4.5%w/v + Levamisole Hcl I.P. 3.0% w/v
30ml,50m|,60ml,100ml,125ml,150ml, 200ml, 250ml, 500ml,1 Lit. & 5 Lit.