Composition:(Tymponil suspension )

Silica in Dimenthicon B.P 1% w/v

Dil oil    B.P  0.5 % w/v

Stomach is ruminant animals producers a lot of gas . The animals continually blech ,once each minute, to get rid of the gas.Occasionally bleching stops and gas builds up in the remen to cause bloat the gas builds up the left flank ballons out . The pain from this causes the animal to try to kick ots belly or it stands with its back legs wide apart. It has difficulty in breathing and the animals may be in disesase for severa; hours but in bad cases of bloat the animal will be found lying on its side and death can occur in a few hours.

Action : 

Bloat is primarly due to gas entrapped in the rumen ingests. Silica on dimethicone increases  the surface tension of the gas bubbles and allows these to come to the surface and eruct in a normal mechanism through the mouth .This is the only scientific anti blot treatment .It is life saving when the animak is in several suffocation and discomfort beacause of entrapped gas.

Indications :

All kind of bloat Tymponial is very rapid in action and works as an emrgency drug in cases of serious gas.

Administration & Dosage :

oral : 100 ml of tymponial at a time by drenching or with the help of stomach tube, Twice a day for cattle and buffakoes and 20 ml for sheep and goat.