TRIM FORTE + Mineral mixture supplement for cattle meets
the standards of Bureau oi Indian standards specification
(IS 1664:2002) oi Mineral mixture for supplementing cattle feed.

Moisture % by mass  (max)       5

Calcium %bt mass  (Min)         20

Phosphorus  % bt mass (min )  20

Magnesium % by mass  ( min )  5

Iron % by mass (min )               0.4

Iodine (as  KI ) % by mass  (min ) 0.026

Copper % by mass (min)    0.1

Mangnese percent by (mass )   0.12

Cobalt % mass by (min)        0.012

Fluorine % by mass (max)    0.07

Zinc % by mass (min)         0.8

Sulpher percent by mass    1.8 -3.0

Acid insoluble ash % by mass (Max) 3 .
Lead (as Pb) mg/kg (Max) 20
Arsenic (as AS203) mg/kg (Max) 7
Total ash in moisture free basis % by mass 78 to 85
Presence of proteinous/organic impurities : Pass the test  Spores of bacillus anthraces and Clostridium  .All values are moisture free basis except moisture.

Indications :

  • To control anemic conditions and leg weakness.
  • Increase milk yield in miltch animals.
  • To enhance fat content in milk.
  • To helps for early maturity and calving.
  • To get above 300 days milk yield per a year.
  • To control degenerative changes in reproductive organs.
  • To control muscular. . weakness.. Retarded. growth.
  • Improve feed efficiency, build up resistance to
  • Sulfur % by mass 1.8 to 3.0 stress & infection.
  • Stimulate growth and milk production.

Adminstration & Dosage :
Large animals   : 30 gr daily.

Calves : 15 gr daily .

Mix salt separately, as advised by the Veterinarian.